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A simple one, the Coma CLuster.


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The dual Tak FSQ is really awaiting the Milky Way and lacks challenging targets for now. However, I love the Coma Cluster naked eye and in bins so here it is. It had 2.5 hours (=5 hours) which is a lot for a cluster but it was nice data to process. Fuzzyhunters might find the full size version quite fun. There are some nice little galaxies in there.

RGB only, 2x Tak FSQ106N, Atik 11000 and SXVH36 full frame mono CCD, Mesu 200. SQM21.7.




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1 hour ago, pyrasanth said:

Such nice skies- not a gradient anywhere to be seen. I love the crispness of your images- just optically perfect- makes me purr like a cat whose drinking the cream when I look at them!

Too kind! There were gradients in the raw data. There always are, though I wonder where they come from. In the scheme of things they aren't bad ones though, and easily DBE.


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Very nice Olly, I think in this case less is more,

You are correct there's loaded of little fuzzies in the background,

full size pic took ages to around all them pixels :) 

well done






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