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Nextar 6SE SCT or SW evostar 150

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This is a similar question to the thread started by nightfisher.......but it's a bit different- so I've avoided hijacking his.

I too miss the snap to focus that one gets with a good refractor. Sure the Nexstar 6 is convenient, portable, cools down reasonably quickly and goto (particularly when aligned with the StarSense) is great, but on Jupiter and Mars I'm always fiddling with the focus knob, never quite sure if I've got it or not

So, the big question is- do I try one of the 6inch f8 achros- variously branded.....I've never looked through one, but they look like a "proper" telescope should, I like the fact that they're a bit "old skool" and they're as cheap as chips. Looking on ABS now,  I could probably pick one up used with a celestron avx mount for < £800 GBP's. (I'd probably plan on selling my Nexstar to part fund these transactions since there's little point having two 6inch scopes sitting idle for 320 nights a year waiting for the clouds to clear.)

The alternatives (at least in my mind) are an ED120 or a Mak180- both of these will "pop" into focus I'm sure, but both would require a new mount and run to >£1k based on what's about on the used market at present (you may sense I'm a little impatient!).

Any thoughts??



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A couple of problems with the 150 f8.....they are long and heavy, so a skytee 2 or HEQ5 are minimum mounts, they also will show false colour on bright objects like Jupiter, on this basis i would say 150 maksutov, but of course they have there own quirks like cooldown and mirror flop/shift..........buy a 150 F6 newt and tell me what you think of it, then i will know if i should go for one :cheesy:

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I've owned quite a few of the chinese 6" F/8's, branded Skywatcher, Konus, Helios and Meade. I had a couple of decent ones and a couple not so good. All showed quite a bit of chromatic aberration, a bit too much for my taste really.

I'm very happy with my ED120 now. It's much easier to mount and use and shows crisper images of the moon, planets and double stars. The larger aperture would win on deep sky objects of course.

If you can pick up a decent performing 150 F/8 at a low price (like £150 or less for the tube) and have a mount that can cope already then they can be fun but I'd not invest a lot in one to be honest with you.



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I knew that would be the answer, but just needed to be talked down -thanks

I can't get a newt - central obstruction and diffraction spikes - yuck (sorry to all you newt lovers), and form some reason it just feels right to be sitting behind a scope when I look through it, not standing to the side of it. (Did I tell you, I'm a little contrary).

I previously had a Mak150, but it was a bit too heavy for the Nexstar SE mount, so kept the SCT OTA....... seemed like a good idea at the time.

So I guess I'm looking for a new mount, and then something sharp and contrasty to go on it. The Mak180 would get me a bit more aperture and the 'frac a bit less, but quicker set up/cool down.

Truth is, I probably need both?





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