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1000 £ scope for dso imaging


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The correct question is what MOUNT for DSO imaging, spend more on the mount than on the scope.  An 80mm ED or APO is a common choice for scope, but the best mount you can afford is the minimum.

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Assuming that you already have an HEQ5 then a small scope will be absolutely fine on it - My HEQ5 used to push out 30 minute subs night after night. 

£1000 sounds like such a lot of money, but in reality it's a rather in between budget that can get you out of the more budget ED doublet territory and not close to the premium triplets.  I would have said the WO Star 71 is worth a look, but they have now been discontinued and while there's a MkII in the wings, there's been no more info than that.

How about a Skywatcher Esprit 80? https://www.firstlightoptics.com/esprit-professional-refractors/skywatcher-esprit-ed-80-pro-triplet.html That and the flattener will take you a smudge over the £1000. There's a few folks on the forum with them and they appear to be very pleased with them. 

Have you checked out the FOV calculators out there? http://www.12dstring.me.uk/fovcalc.php this will give you a good indication of the scope and camera combo.

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The William Optics Zenithstar ZS71 ED with reducer is not a bad starter scope for dso imaging, it will have a blue tint as its not the best colour correction but still will give good results, and is light for your heq5 guiding it is the next thing which a finder guider setup should be fine.

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