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My First Prom


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After Pete's and NickH's utterly superb solar images its time for my 'effort'.

Taken today through pesky high cloud

PST X2 barlow DMK mono.

Registacked and photoshopped.

Also added an avi of the capture. All you solar imagers out there , am i overexposing? :shock:


Seriously thinking about selling my QHY8 and PST to fund one of them solarscope filters




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Great result Mark. This Solar Imaging seems to be gathering pace since the start of the new cycle.

It seems though, the more you want to progress up the ladder, the more expensive the tab.

Understandable I suppose. The way the night skies are deteriorating in the UK, it maybe not surprising that imaging the sun is on the rise.

Ron. :grin:

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Thanks for the comments folks.

Ron , you are right about the switch of emphasis to solar imaging. Dunno if its the yorkshire weather , but i'd have to say i've had my LX90 for 18 months or so and the amount of 'perfect' seeing nights i've had , well i could count them on both hands. With work commitments my DSO work is limited to the weekends at the moment .Suffice to say saturday nights and clear skies don't mix......

I've spent alot of money on the setup , i'm at least gonna get some sort of use out of it, even if it is just piggybacking a PST (or a solarscope....yum yum)


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