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Atik 414 EX or SX Trius 825...


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Same chip, different manufacturers, different pricing?

I'm looking for one of these but which? the SX has an inert gas filling to combat icing up, the Atik uses desiccant tablets. There are other differences too with connectivity.

Has anyone else made this choice - which way did you jump and why?


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Connection issues - One minute connected, the next it totally dropped out, couldn't get it to reliably get recognised by SGP and sometimes had to open the camera in the SX software first. It was not a pleasure to use that's for sure and put me off SX..... I'm glad that it wasn't my camera and I could give it back after a few weeks.

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Thanks for all the comment guys. Made a decision to go with the SX Trius 825.

Things that made the choice for me were the lower cooling, gas filled chamber and the built-in USB hub cutting the leads going back to the power/control box. I've not had any problem with the AA 115 EDT-APO and tilted image planes - even with the two field flatteners, the Trius 825 has the facility to alter the camera angle should that be a problem - though that would mean I would not be able to rotate the camera for different framing...


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