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First (real) Jupiter


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First (real) Jupiter - In the sense that it was imaged via a USB
rather than a video camera. Standard MAK 150 + ASI120MC.
Needed a slightly bigger image scale so I enlarged it slightly. :p


Struggling a bit with artifacts or maybe simply over processing. ;)
Wish I'd notice that the correcter has steamed up too! <excuses>

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Interesting experience anyway! I invited nice-couple-next-door over to look...
And (unlike many of my demos) it actually worked! A recent (minor!) windfall
allowed me to add the ZWO120MM (mono) to my ZWO120MC (colour) cam.

My new solar setup is based on the mono version (and seems to benefit from 
RIGID clamping! lol) But, for what it's worth, I sense the colour one is fine for
my intended level of planetary (Jupiter) imaging, with a MAK150! When I do
have a better method of "finding" objects with this system (it took a while!),
I will "up the magnification" a bit (f/24 etc.) via 2" 2x (Antares) Barlow... :)

Yes, the MOONS were something of a bonus! In the full frame, there were
actually three of them? Callisto(?) and shadow were a notable first for me!
I sense the (less great) GRS was on tother side at the time? Not sure quite
how accurate my information is... Just "zooming in" on Stellarium pics? ;)

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