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Well now have an Eq6 pro mount ,have ordered a finderscope adapter for my qhy5l-11 ,and an eqdir cable ,software  too download,any tips i should know before hand or should i just sit in the middle of the garden at silly oclock torch in hand reading the manual scratching my head lols

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set it up indoors first make sure the camera connects with PHD & if you're using EQMOD make sure the laptop is talking to the mount & that you have all the relevant drivers installed.
Also make sure you make a note of what cable is plugged into which USB so when you come to setting up everything "should" work first time.

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If the power LED flickers get a better power supply, use the handset Polar Align option, get a Telrad, spray all the usb and power leads with a electrical clean(linked) to stop them corroding, the mount is more stable if only the single weight bar is used(buy more weights if required)



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If you are using EQDIR then that means you aren't using the hand controller. So make sure you have read up how to work EQMOD and set it up in side in daylight to familiarise yourself with it.

A good tip I saw (here here )* was to set the park position by leveliing the counterweight shaft horizontal , fix the setting circle then rotate the mount 90 degrees to the park position using the setting circles. The EQ6 can be a bit sticky on its axes so its not enough to rely on gravity to determine the home position

Sounds like you are planning on imaging which means polar alignment. So read up about the EQ6 Bendy bolt problem and avoid bending yours.

I polar align with only the guide scope mounted to keep the weight down and use PHD2 drift alignment. YMMV

If you want to use Stellarium to move the scope around, install Stelllarium Scope

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