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Rosette Nebula - First picture with my new refractor!


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This week after 4 weeks patience I finally acquired my new 80ED refractor. Specifically, an Esprit 80ED.

Been waiting to give the rosette a try for months. Quite pleased how it came out, especially as I dont have a Bahtinov mask for it yet. Focusing was a bit fiddly.

39x300sec Lights, 30xdarks 30xbias 

Anyway, here it is.. Hope you guys like it! 


p.s had to use a link because the forum does strange things to the image!


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great stuff what's going on in the bottom left corner ? The black marks ?  All that said its a classic image of this neb if that was taken with the  80 mm as the stars with there  diffraction spikes would be odd and not needed if it was with e 80mm ?



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1 minute ago, todd8137 said:

great stuff what's going on in the bottom left corner ? The black marks ?  All that said its a classic image of this neb



Ah yes! thanks for spotting that. obviously I missed that when getting rid of the edges that come with alignment. Ill sort that out! 

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5 hours ago, solarboy said:



What are bias frames.

 Did you do the bias frames at 300 secs.

Did you do the dark frames at 300 seconds . 

Dark frames, yes at 300 seconds. and the same temperature. 

Bias no, they are done at the fastest exposure setting your camera has. very quick to take. Theres lots of good info on all the different types of frames online/on this very forum. 

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