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Review of my DIY Astronomy Projects


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I am selling one or two of my Atik 460EX mono CCD cameras to recover funds as mentioned elsewhere and as a result some astro projects will go and some will be altered.  These projects are unaffected :-

  1. Gina's DIY All Sky Camera - Mark3 - with QHY5L-II-C  Awaiting a fault-finding session but may change it for better reliability.
  2. DIY Moon Phase Dial  Work in progress.
  3. Cloud and Rain Sensor  Shelved temporarily.
  4. Analogue Weather Display  In design.

These will be discontinued or changed :-

  1. Turret Style Widefield Triple Imaging Rig  Cancelled
  2. 400mm Focal Length Triple Scope Imaging System   Cancelled
  3. Canon DSLR debayered with added cooling, filter wheel and OAG in one unit  Under consideration

In other words all projects that used three CCD cameras are no longer applicable.  I might still have a triple imaging rig but using three modified DSLRs.  I'm not sure if I shall be continuing with the single DSLR rig as in no. 3. above.

The 400mm system used three CCD cameras with one Esprit 80ED scope and two ST80s but I don't think the ST80s will cover the sensor size of DSLRs.  The turret style widefield triple rig also relied on 3 Atik cameras.  I think I shall use one ST80 purely as a guide scope with the Esprit and possibly with a DSLR imaging rig.

I shall move DSLR debayering up my priority list and plan on looking at building a triple imaging rig using these.  This will be narrowband and widefield using camera lenses.

As a result of all this I'm thinking of the following imaging rigs :-

  1. MN190 Mak-Newt with Atik filter wheel and 460EX with OAG
  2. Esprit 80ED with Atik filter wheel and 460EX and ST80 guide scope
  3. Triple camera lenses and individual filters with DSLRs and ST80 guide scope

Rigs 1. and 2. are mutually exclusive and either one of other would be mounted on the EQ8.  No 3. could also be mounted on the EQ8 but there is also a possibility of having this in a mini observatory and mounted on my NEQ6.  I may also consider other permutations :)

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I feel rather sad that I'm abandoning the super-duper triple imaging rigs with three top CCD cameras but needs must and I can't do everything anyway.  I think the CCD cameras are best option for sale.

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Hi Gina,

I'm not surprised you are a bit sad about giving up on the triple imaging rigs, they were a wonderful concept with so much potential for getting the best from our basically awful weather. I realise that funds are probably a major headache but the money you would recover selling second hand wouldn't compare with what you have already spent. I also think that as you have an EQ8, you have the ideal mount for your triple rig. 

Is there no chance of keeping one or both of the triple set-ups? The one guiding principle I learnt from the world of work and running my own company was when faced with any difficult decision - do nothing!! It is almost always the right answer. Most problems just disappear when carefully ignored.

Just my 2pence worth. We will all continue to enjoy your posts very much whatever you decide.

Regards, Hugh

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Thank you Hugh :)  Much appreciated.   And another side to the matter.

Well, I'm not exactly destitute though definitely "running on empty".  Monday brings a new month with it's injection of funds into my bank account and then I am safe.  Checking bank accounts today showed I had a smidgen over £2 - yes, two pounds - in my current account plus just over £15 in a savings account but nothing outstanding to be paid before the end of the month.  It's tight but at present I am covering my debts and not going hungry or cold.  Car MOT comes up at the end of February and that's a worry, but it's not here yet and on reflection, there isn't really any great urgency to sell astro gear.  Waiting a little longer before doing anything drastic is a viable option and I know that once I sell a CCD camera I am unlikely to be able to replace it.

And, as you have said, I have already spent quite a lot on these triple imaging rigs plus a lot of time and effort - abandoning these seems like forfeiting both money and time/effort to overcome what might be a temporary cash-flow problem.  Maybe the dead of winter with dull days and depressing Devon drizzle (as well as torrential rain and gales) has caused a bit of panic which is actually unwarranted.  In a particularly low state I posted my "Thoughts" and the idea of cashing in some of my astro investment was confirmed by several members. 

I also felt I was being overwhelmed by far too many projects.  But that problem is easily solved by simply not doing as many and just slowing down and "chilling out".   Also, by stopping all but one or two projects, I'm not tempted to spend money on the ones I've shelved.  As long as I virtually stop spending money on non-essentials I think I can survive financially.  I should certainly be alright until the end of next month.

Thank you again for putting the other side of the "argument" and stopping me doing something I would regret :)

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Gina, winters such as we are experiencing can be really tuff when you are on your own. Worry about the MOT when it arrives, there is little you can do about it until then. Remember the question of how do you eat an elephant? Answer, One piece at a time. It should be the same with your projects, finish one, rest, then start the next one. Just dont stop doing them as I love reading about them.


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With the observatory sump water level control and indicator unit having been completed as far as the running in and testing mode and therefore just "ticking over" I shall be resuming another project - the weather data wall display for the living room wall, which will include the water level dial.  I may also do bits to the wind reading instruments to go with it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Time for another assessment of my astro projects and their priorities with the ground drying out at last and the occurrence of a few clear nights.

  1. Turret Style Widefield Triple Imaging Rig  Much of this is done but I'm short of a 10mm T entension tube ATM.  It also needs the main frame making and maybe one or two design changes.
  2. 400mm Focal Length Triple Scope Imaging System.  This is project is quite well advanced but needs a guidescope fitted.
  3. Canon DSLR debayered with added cooling, filter wheel and OAG in one unit  I'm not sure about this - I'm now thinking more in terms of a triple rig.
  4. Gina's DIY All Sky Camera - Mark3 - with QHY5L-II-C  Awaiting a fault-finding session but may change it for better reliability.
  5. DIY Moon Phase Dial  Alias Moon Phase Clock.  Work in progress.  I've found some Hall effect sensors and will probably continue shortly.
  6. Cloud and Rain Sensor  Shelved temporarily and not really required until I get back to observatory roof automation.  Maybe in the spring.
  7. Analogue Weather Display  On hold ATM - no point until I get the weather station working.
  8. Weather station wind instruments.  WIP.

Before I do any imaging I need to get the gear working and find out why it didn't work last time I tried.  Hopefully, I might have time to do that soon.  Some of it really wants doing in daytime when I can see the equipment in the scope room and see what's happening (and what isn't).  Trouble this time of year is that if it isn't raining, it's bitterly cold :(  Hmm...  thinks... maybe I could bring some gear indoors to check out - or maybe not.  Can't bring the EQ8 indoors or the wiring from warm room to scope room.  Item no. 2. above can be worked on indoors.  I'm already looking into which DSOs I would like to image.  The MN190 is setup on the EQ8 and ready to go when I can get things working.

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