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Terrible Wind

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What do folks find to be the maximum wind speed in which they can do prolonged exposures?  I accidentally found myself in the garden last night and noticed that there appeared to be some strange objects sparkling in the sky.  I thought I might as well have a go (since the alternative was endeavouring to interact with the family).  According to 'Clear Outside' the wind was blowing around 15 mph, but it was gusting to who knows what (maybe 20-25mph).  I set off some 20 minute Ha exposures hoping to get an hour or so before the moon came up.  My guide trace seemed mostly OK, but every now and again I would get random peaks and valleys of up to +/- 1 (and a bit) arcseconds in Dec.  Only 2 out of my 3 exposures were usable: the stars were a little "streaked" in the third.  I lost a fourth exposure because some 15 minutes in a cloud passed overhead, PHD2 lost the guide star and this triggered SGP to end the sequence.

As I said, it was the Dec trace that showed the worst 'peaks and valleys'.  Is that typically what happens when one has a gust of wind?  The real purpose of my post is to ask at what wind speed am I really wasting my time trying to image?  (I always have alcohol available as an alternative pursuit.)


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I think the answer is different for different scopes, Reflectors act as a sail so little or no wind, Reflectors are various sizes the so again a ST-80 won't move a lot but a 150mm what ever will, a dome is handy if the slot is away from the wind,  a roll off roof, i haven't had it open for a month or 2 due to the wind.......

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