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I have just watched the launch on NASA TV, fantastic, nipped outside and watched the Discovery fly over with the external tank, which had separated shortly before, keeping pace with it, about 1/2 a degree below.

Now that is spectacular, would like to have seen the burn to correct the orbit which should happen about 10 mins later.

Just hope the toilet works after all this, hate to think what the plumber is charging :D


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Was out last night tinkering with some (not mine :D ) new kit and noticed ISS drifting across the sky, didn't know it was due to pass and thought how lucky was that, then ten minutes later saw two very bright Sat's following a similar arc across the sky, they were pretty close and two very different colours,very unusual me thinks. Just over 90 minutes later we were waiting for the next ISS pass when the penny dropped and the realisation that it had been the Shuttle and the booster we had seen earlier, needless to say the pass we were waiting for was a lot lower than the first and a lot shorter period of illumination so the shuttle and booster didn't appear but how lucky were we. :hello1:

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