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Another quick go


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Well i had another quick go at the moon tonight, this is still only a single sub and i haven't cropped it this time. I let the intervelometer fire a fair few off so i might stack what i have just to have a play with them

Still a bit hazy so might try again later when the moons a bit higher in the sky.

I have also attached a couple of shots of my kit, really quick grab and go setup up, Canon 100d with a Samyang 500mm lens on a Manfrotto tripod, i bought that tripod for the Sky Watcher Star Adventure so its Rock solid for this. Might point the lens at Andromeda or or Orion later just to see what i get but for now....




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Just had a brief go at Orion, it was getting star trailing after just 5 secs so anything beyond the moon will require a tracking mount. I'll piggy back it to the SLT when i get a chance.

Overall though i think theres a lot of potential from the lens

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