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NGC 5194 - give it some respect


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Strange - I always thought NGC 5194 was the main spiral galaxy of M51 (M51a), and the companion was NGC 5195. Simbad certainly thinks this to be the case...

[edit] I had a look at the abstract of the presentation and it's correct there - NGC 5195 is the companion - something must have gone wrong in the PR machine...


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Strange - I always thought NGC 5194 was the main spiral galaxy of M51 (M51a), and the companion was NGC 5195. Simbad certainly thinks this to be the case...


Thats a good point. There seems to be some confusion as to which is NGC 5194 and which is 5195, depending on the source. The majority seem to refer to the larger, brighter galaxy as NGC 5194 :icon_scratch: 

The BBC piece has it the other way around :rolleyes2:

To be clear, the article I've linked to refers to the smaller and dimmer of the pairing.

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Please excuse my ignorance but i thought black holes were invisible, so how is this one visible as a white splodge in the image?

It's the material that's heading into the black hole that's visible...


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