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Light Vortex Astronomy has moved and changed!

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Hello all. I post this thread in order to get the word out that my website, Light Vortex Astronomy, has undergone some large changes. This used to run on Google Blogger but is now running on Weebly. The original blog has now been deleted and the new website has taken over. A .com domain name was also purchased and so the website address is now:



The old page-specific URLs will no longer work but so long as they point to the above website address, they will transfer you to the Error 404 page I set up on the new website. If however they point to the old .blogspot.com address, you will be notified that the blog has now been deleted.

The following is a run-down of the current set of tutorials on Light Vortex Astronomy:

PixInsight Processing:



Feel free to have a quick read of the welcome blog post that goes over where stuff is:




Enjoy! :)

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