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Celestron 8" Edge Guiding Solutions?


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Hello everyone,

I am trying to figure out the best way to autoguide my Edge 8". I am wanting to get a .7x focal reducer but I know that this complicates guiding through off-axis with a slim back-focus. This I still don't truly and fully understand. There is also the option of a piggy-back but then I must find a suitable assembly to mount across the length of the Optic. I am planning to use a QHY5L II as a guide camera and the budget is atmost between $500-550. Thank you for your help.

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I had the edge hd with QSI 583ccd,   wish I never sold it, as it was a great imaging set up.  I did use the 0.7 reducer

Yes sthe back focus is very critical to get nice shape stars, so a ccd with a built in off axis guider is perfect.  off course it depends on the back focus of the ccd camera or dslr

however piggyback is not to bad, I used a ADM rail across the top of the tube rings and a 70mm guidscope sometimes when I needed a wider field to find a guidestar

I'm luck as I had the lodestar guider which is very sensitive.

depending on your back focus of your camera I believe the new celestron off axis guider is within the limits and comes with lots of adapters.

Paul J

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An OAG wold always be best with an SCT but if that is not possible I would avoid adjustable guide rings because they are a potential source of flexure. I use an ST80 bolted down hard and, in ten years, have never failed to find a guide star.

But when imaging with a catadiotptric I have always used an OAG and Lodestar. There is not point in going for high res imaging if you don't match it with high res guiding.


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