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Finally the late autumn objects...


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Finally we have a clear night with no moon. Can't remember when that last happened, it may have been in October. So got the bins out to reacquaint myself with a few old friends...

Just got M15 before it disappeared behind the fence. A bit blurred low down, but still easily found. Paid a visit to Cygnus with M29 and M39, Cassiopeia with M103/M52 and then M31. For the first time this year I could make out M32 as well, and M110 was just there as a ghostly wisp.

M33 was one of my main targets to see this evening, it says volumes about the weather recently that this is the first time I've been able to see it this "Autumn". All it needs is no moon and to be reasonably high, and a clear sky. Had quite a close look at it just to see how much of it I can actually make out, there is certainly more than a moon's width of fuzz there and I could make out odd bits off to the side as well. It certainly looks like a large nebula in the binoculars.

Then M77, again for the first time this season. Apart from needing the same conditions as M33, it's the opposite- small and faint but with a higher surface brightness than M33, meaning it's no harder. While M33 looks nebulous, this one looks distinctly like a globular cluster. Same bright core and round shape, but that's actually a whole galaxy there.

M34 visited as well and couldn't not look at M45, a totally different sight than with the naked eye. Now time to go out again and see if Orion and Co. have reached that sweet spot away from the lights...

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