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Moon tonight with old 200mm lens


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Got myself an old Pentacon 200mm F4 m42 lens. Was hoping to maybe have a go on the star adventurer with it at some point.

Had a very quick go tonight with the lens on my Sony A57. Also used a 2 x teleconverter and balanced the lens on the top of my gate.

Just a single frame. I think i had the lens wide open so it would probably benefit from being stopped down a little. Heard good things about this lens for astro use so hope for some decent weather soon.


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Good single shot Bobby. Exposure seems ok, better under exposed than over exposed. If you have a tripod, try it on that and on timer and take a few more and process. You should be able to bring out much more detail.

I remember back in the day I had a Yashica 35mm with a 200mm zoom lens, 2x teleconverter and macro tubes for the standard lens, before the days of digital cameras. From memory my 2x teleconverter performed much like a 2x standard barlow.

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