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IC1396 RGB fringe killer test

Mike Hawtin

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I originally took the data for this one back in August and produced several versions with the NB data but I didn't post the RGB version because I was unhappy with the pronounced blue bloating produced by the Borg 71FL.  I decided to have another bash but this time with the blue taken through one of Baaders Fringe Killer filters (cheers Bern).  The fringe killer certainly cut out the bloating but the cost was a 50% reduction in transmission, I didn't fancy doubling up on the blue channels sub length so I tried a bit of skullduggery with Mike Schuster's new noise reduction script for Pixinsight.  My thinking was that by denoising the weak blue channel it could be stretched along with the red and green without breaking down. That seemed to work out ok on the RGB combination and here is the result.  The image suffers from the lack of a separate Luminance channel with detail and contrast lacking but I think I will be using the FK as part of my normal LRGB routine from now on.

Have a look and let me know what you think, there is more info on Astrobin, thanks for looking.

IC 1396 RGB



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Just to put things into perspective here is a before and after blue sub comparison.

OOOH! now that is a result. It's defo cleaned up the blue bloat, but is it the FK filter that's introduced the large diffuse halo round that bright star? Interestingly, it looks like a double star, something you can't see with the blue bloat.


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Thanks chaps.  Huw I think it is caused by the fringe killer as it barely shows in the sub taken through just the blue filter although to be honest I much prefer a halo around the bright stars as opposed to the bloating around the dozens of faint ones.

Thanks for taking the time to comment.


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