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Burst of light - Supernova maybe?

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At about 2146 tonight I saw a burst of light that looked like a star appearing then slowly fading over a second or two. It was a couple of degrees esat of due north and about 20 degrees up from the horizon. Could I have seen a supernova? It did'nt look like anything else that I've seen, satellite, plane etc.

If it was a supernova no doubt in will be reported in the astro press.

I wonder if anyone else spotted it?

Anyway I'm off to bed now and will look at replies tomorrow.

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Much more likely to be some other phenomenon. A super nova wouldn't appear and disappear within that time frame. A gamma ray burst could but extremely unlikely (unheard of) to be that bright. There was an exceptionally bright gamma ray burst recently which got to something like mag 6 but that was a very rare event indeed.

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Wouldn't have been a supernova but an interesting observation non the less. There's always a chance of course it could have been a massive GRB.........hey you might become famous!!

You beat me to it Martin!

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