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One-sided diffraction spikes?

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I'm not convinced its my (unguided) tracking - although this did have the scope pointing close to the zenith. I just restored a few dumped subs from my recycle bin and the spike is there as well as the tracking error.

If it was a collimation issue, it came on suddenly - I had no problems with the Pieades and it was a simple move to get to the cluster.

What is odd is that the spikes are lined up with three much smaller ones. Perhaps the mirror 'flopped' when the scope went vertical?

This so-so stack of the Plieades taken immediately before shows even spikes:


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Do you think there could have been a drop in temperature over a period. Causing contraction and hence a mirror movement when you went vertical. If so it may have shown up as some slight slackness in the mirror holding mechanism. I am asking because it is as you say a one sided phenomenon. Very frustrating when you have had good results.


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