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Guidescope attached directly to scope rings

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Having received my Guidescope rings and not having a 33.5cm dovetail bar on which to attach them, I have managed to 'tap' the scope rings 1/4" screw hole where the piggy camera bracket goes and instead made this M6 fitting.

The guidescope rings have M6 fittings also and I wanted to check that attaching directly to the scope rings is ok or should I use a dovetail bar in any event to prevent strain on the scope etc.

It all appears to be pretty rigid and I cannot see any problems so far, but I just wanted to check. If this is a problem I will just get a dovetail bar and attach to that instead but this seems to be a good solution.

Cheers guys.

Pics are below for you to see how I have attached it:


(click to enlarge)


(click to enlarge)


(click to enlarge)

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I would say thats the dogs whatsits.Cant see any problems with that,i have a plate attached to my scope rings and have a handle on it and also a piggyback fitting for my canon.

Thats pretty neat looking rings you got there. :angry::( Looking good,is that the scope that was on sale at lidl because if it is im kinda peed of i didnt get one myself.

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Hi Saturn5. As you can see the rings arrived safely. Many thanks agains, they are great. THe fit was perfect for the Skylux (Lidl) scope.

I chose to do away with the piggyback fitting for my camera as I never use it. I could never be bothered to get the HEQ5 out and align it just for a standard camera lens shot and when I had the scope attached unless you zoomed you could see the end of the scope in the image as the OTA is quite long.

Have to say that the Lidl scope works a treat. I have not guided with it yet as I need the Synscan upgrade but it was fantastic last night to be imaging an object and still be able to view it with the guidescope.

The Skylux is great for £50.00 from Lidl, I would recommend it as a basic starter scope/guidescope or even travel scope. Its a bit plastic, especially the focuser but hey, it's very light.

My only trouble is that I can no longer put the finder scope on the OTA as the bracket which is attached sits under the Lidl scope. This is easily sorted though and last night I just used the Lidl scope as the finder which actually worked very well.

I even managed to capture M51, a first for me.

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