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DSS processing calibration files


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When the skies are clear for a while I will often I take images of more than one object as the night progresses but, if the conditions remain the same, will only take one set of calibration shots: darks, flats, bias.  

Moving on to DSS for processing, once the calibration images have been stacked once and a master.txt and  master.tif files produced for each set of darks / flats / bias, can I use either of these for subsequently processing other subs or must I always load a full set of these each time?  If so which of these do I use (the txt or tif file) and how  / where do I load it in DSS?  Thanks.  

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Hi, Once a master dark, flat and bias is created in a Tif file, future stacking of the saved run will just load the master for stacking. If you want to use a set of flats, bias or darks with different, or a new set of lights, just load the master Tiff file, you only need to create a master once. Darks can be used again provided the temp is near enough and the same exposure and iso is used. Same with Bias i think but you should really create new flats every time you image.

I'm sure someone will say if I've got that wrong!

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