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EQ3-2 tune up ... continued


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Coninuing my earlier thread about fine tuning my EQ3-2 mount, I have now cleaned and re-greased the DEC and RA Controls.

Taking apart and cleaning of the dec Controls was pretty straight forward. The mount head turns much easier now, and I expect to be able to balance my scope much easier (Before this was almost impossible). Haven't had the opportunity to try this yet.

Disassembling the RA Control turned out to be much more of a problem.

First I had to go out and buy a new set of Tools to unscrew the grub screws holding the RA locking disc in Place. It turned out that the small screws had been screwed through the thread of the RA axis, damaging it (see Picture). When I tried to screw the aluminium disc back on the axis, its threads got damaged and came off. So far I've been unable to find a replacement (anyone got an idea?). I would like to replace the aluminium disc with one made of hard metal. As an alternative I could strip the inside threads and just put the disc in Place with nothing but the grub screws.

In summary, I advice EQ3-2 owners not to disassemble the RA part of the mount, unless really necessary. It is possible to Clean and regrease the RA worm gear without taking it apart completely.

The improvement I got after disassembly and cleaning was far less as with the DEC Control.


note the damaged thread on the aluminium disc.


note the pit made by the grub screw in the thread of the central RA bolt.

All in all quite som experience.

Clear skies,


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If you have an engineering workshop anywhere near you, I'd have though they could make up a copy of that piece fairly easily.  They'd probably be able to clean up the other thread too as it probably just needs a suitable size die running down it.  If you're never going to take it apart again then I'm not sure there's a need to have a new part made from anything but aluminium.  Once it's in place it can stay there.


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Thanks for the pointers.

James: I expect to have to Clean/regrease the mount every now and again, so I would like something more durable than an aluminium disc, that's why I'm considering a harder metal.

Jonn: I will look into getting a needle file; thanks for the tip.

Clear skies,


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Needle files did the trick. I cleaned up the damaged (dented) thread of the RA bolt/shaft. Then cleaned the remaining thread of the aluminium disc/nut. Put it all together and carefully tightened the grub screws. The mount fits nicely and runs smoothly. Originally the aluminium disc was overtightened, as were the grub screws.

Now it just has to stop raining all day and night...


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