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digital zoom ?


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I'm just wondering , following last week's experiment, does anyone here use the zoom facility on the philips( or any other) webcam when imaging. I have a nice collection of barlows now to maximise image scale according to conds. but had a thought that if seeing doesn't support high mags can the zoom facility help ? Ideally when seeing is good then obviously a combo of both would be great ??

Any ideas boys and girls ??


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I have not tried it but I believe digital zoom is not useful as it degrades the image quality.

Optical zoom is what is achieved with a barlow and is ideal.

As I understand it Digital Zoom just crops the images and enlarges it, whereas optical actually magnifies the image - which is what you want.

Kinda like taking a 6 x 4 picture and chopping it in half then making that half back up to 6 x 4 size = lower image quality but zoomed in view = digital zoom.

If you took the same 6 x 4 picture and moved it closer to you eye you would see an enlarged view of the area you were looking at but without reducing the quality of the print = optical zoom.

I think I have this right.

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