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First club night tomorrow

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Not really sure what to expect. One or two from here in the northeast of England areas mention the local society so I will venture in.

I've managed to hold off buying the first scope despite desperation to do so. I'm sure after further discussion with those with more experience, and discussing my requirements, needs and situation I can be assured I'm not making an error of judgment.

They may be able to advise me of recommended vendors and the like as so far as I'm aware it will need to. be mail order as no local shops of quality in the vicinity to visit in person.

I'm sure to have my leg pulled and be the butt of the banter as well. Already started on the club's Facebook pages, but FB is not my favourite hangout at the best of times.

I've a ton of questions to ask and will let you know how I get on as I suspect there may be a lot out there thinking of joining a society but not yet done so.

What else might I expect or be doing. - starts 7pm Thursday. Mail report back if I survive;-)


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My other half seems to recall your band - she's clever with stuff like that. Would you gave been the chap who registered our family WWT membership a year or two back as she seems to recall. I recall the face/person and she recalls names. Off-topic I know but briefly I may gave the advantage in knowing you and you not me.

Pity you're not there tomorrow....will save it for another time lol.

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Yes, it was information overload. Way too much for this little brain to take in. General co census was NOT to go ahead and purchase my original scope. Beat to visit a stR party, or the wonderfully name starbecue in order to not only meet more people, but see more scopes up front and personal, so to speak.

Next time I will tKe notes! Top 3 things I learned?

1 the mount is probably more important as a first purchase than the scope or OTA (learning). The upgraded scope can go on the existing mount.

2. Magnification and power are not the be all and end all. I was discovering this but gad the same confirmed.

3. Despite thinking the opposite, one will invariably want to try photography somewhere along the line.

Not sure the 127 Mak with Alt Az and GOTO is as clear cut as I thought.


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Thanks, I understand it's an unusual hobby that "diving straight in" is probably a bad idea. I had information overload. The main thing was to hold back on my purchase. Another thing was tripods/mounts - I'm now looking at them EQ mounts especially. Next time I will take notes!! So much to think about and research later.

HVe been invited to a starbecue / star party this evening. A chance to look at loads of kit and learn some more. Weather in northeast at present not looking good. Will depend on what the boss says later as she quite fancied a trip out.

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Thanks, I understand it's an unusual hobby that "diving straight in" is probably a bad idea. I had information overload. The main thing was to hold back on my purchase. Another thing was tripods/mounts - I'm now looking at them EQ mounts especially. Next time I will take notes!! So much to think about and research later.

HVe been invited to a starbecue / star party this evening. A chance to look at loads of kit and learn some more. Weather in northeast at present not looking good. Will depend on what the boss says later as she quite fancied a trip out.

Take her with you and kill two birds with one stone  :p

Good luck.

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Take her with you and kill two birds with one stone  :p

Good luck.

Isn't that illegal? - besides, I've grown fond of her.....oh, I see, metaphorically speaking:-)

Michael was right and it was clear and some great scope views were had. Other half even enjoyed it but not sure it will replace Armani in her affections lol.


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