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How to capture DSO with ASI120 ?


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Hello :) 

This is more of a DSO question but i figured this section of the forum has the most experienced people with the ASI 120 cam so i posted it here , i hope that's ok. 

So i've seen some people experimenting with DSO photography with the ZWO webcams and getting some decent results and i would like to give it try can any one give me some pointers ? i really dont know where to begin. 

* What capture software should i use ? is firecapture ok ? 

* How do i keep my cam's shutter open for exposure shots ? do i need some sort of cable ? 

* Is it possible to stack the images using AS!2 ? or is there a better software to do that with DSO (Nebulosity ?) .

Any pointers would be greatly appriciated , thank you ! :) 


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