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Price hike on Delos or exchange rates?

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It's interesting that there are such big differences in retail prices for eyepieces. For example the cheapest current price for the Leica asph zoom is £478 while it's also on sale for £700 at other outlets. The Pentax XF zoom is £295 at the Widescreen Centre but I've also seen it for around 200 euros on a couple of websites. Small differences can be expected, particularly between shops and websites, but these are huge. It suggests that a lot of people still don't bother shopping around to get an overview of prices.

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It's interesting that there are such big differences in retail prices for eyepieces. For example the cheapest current price for the Leica asph zoom is £478 while it's also on sale for £700 at other outlets. The Pentax XF zoom is £295 at the Widescreen Centre but I've also seen it for around 200 euros on a couple of websites. Small differences can be expected, particularly between shops and websites, but these are huge. It suggests that a lot of people still don't bother shopping around to get an overview of prices.

I agree that shopping around is very sensible but it's not helped if some vendors show lower pricing when in reality they have no stock in, as I mention here:


This really does happen and it's a sort of spoiling tactic.

When comparing retailers who really do have the stock on their shelves you often find very little difference in pricing.

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Its also very frustrating to be on the receiving end of it ... £300 of my cash for over 3 weeks..... I then had to cancel the order and place it with another retailer...... the eyepiece is now on route to me within 24 hours of purchasing it.

I am certain the eyepiece was never in stock and never will be with the original retailer.

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It is always a price hike one way or another.

Few years back the dollar was strong against the pound and retailers all said the same, the price had to go up to account for it, when the dollar returned to it's normal position the prices stayed up.

If the dollar is weak then the price doesn't correspondingly drop any.

I think in maths it is called an incremental function.

TS will have raised their prices as the Euro has been knocked.

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I personally have no issue if the price of an item has to increase on the back of an exchange rate difference and I would not expect it to go down with them having paid out more until they restock. Now if the rate has gone back down I would expect the item or items to go down accordingly as they do in some businesses I keep a close eye on.

I do not know for sure but would have thought the Telly House have Delos eyepieces at different prices because they were bought in at different times with varing rate changes, the one 12mm Delos they seem to have at 254 pounds has maybe been in stock for a long time. You notice they have not increased the price of it, as i do not believe they do until restock, to me this is a very fair business practice..

Another site I look at mainly to see what is on offer as i will not use them any more is Teleskop Sevices. All their Televue range increased over night by a good deal too 10% plus. Now i bet they didn't either sell all the old stock in one day or restock the full range in one go, this annoys me and I feel it is wrong. However they may well offer a discount if challenged on the issue as I am sure even now they have on their shelves eyepieces that were bought in some time ago, how many Televues can you sell in a week. I reluctantly wanted a 90mm APO from them and this was 1250Eu, this went to 1449Eu with a claim it was reduced from 1549Eu in a week which I personally find outragous. Then again I could be wrong and they sell hundreds of Televues and APO's every week but I think not, in fairness they have never increased the Pentax XO 2.5 mm which must be the last in the world, it has been 335Eu for about 4 years.

Only a one off but I wanted a 4.7mm UWA Meade a long time ago and I saw a advert on Widescreen Centre's site for them, when asked they told me they had not seen one for ages, so why keep the site advert alive, is this just a ploy to have us believe they sell more than they have in stock. If you check Telly house their in stock tags change all the time.

I am sure there are other business playing games like that on Shaun holding money against none existent stock, the two here that I mention I feel have stock on the shelf though Telly House seem fairer to the customer than some. I feel it is up to us as customers to stand firm and buy from dealers we trust.  

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