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Nouadhibou Song - Patrick Moore - Total Eclipse 30/6/1973


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Way back, in June 1973 an expedition organised by the BAA went off on the good ship Monte Umbe to observe the total eclipse  off the coast of Mauritania.  Along with 411 other passengers I successfully observed the eclipse from the deck of the Monte Umbe along with Patrick Moore and many famous astronomical luminaries of the day - of which I do not include myself!  Totality was over six minutes.

Perhaps just as well remembered as the eclipse itself by all those who attended was this     watch-v=YQmEsDEMxqw&feature=youtu.be     

Take a look and I'm sure you'll understand why!

Martin Mobberley put this on the BAA website recently and my profound thanks to my good friend Stewart Moore who kindly alerted me to it.

For those interested there is a section in Martin's book  Return to the Far Side of Planet Moore  on the expedition, starting on page 245.

They certainly knew how to organise a total eclipse expedition in those days!

PS It was cheaper too all those years ago, my birth in a share of a four bunked cabin was £88.

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Thanks for sharing that.

I've read about this trip and the nouadibou song in Sir Patrick's book "TV Astronomer" and it's great to hear it performed by the man himself at last :smiley:

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