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NextStar Evolution 8 worth the extra £600?

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Hi - hope someone can offer some guidance

After using a Skywatcher 150p for a year Im ready to upgrade to an SCT goto and Im seriously considering the new celestron Evo range. Ideally I would like the Evolution 8" but I can't seem to understand why its so expensive compared to the 6". With the only difference being the OTA why is it £600 more? The difference between the C6 and C8 XLT OTA's is only about £300

It a lot of money to spend and I don't want to feel like I'm ripped off, but maybe I'm missing something?

I would also appreciate any thoughts people have on getting the 6 instead of the 8". I can save a lot of money by doing so but is it going to be a compromise too far? Im mainly into lunar and planetary with a smattering of DSO's if that helps inform?


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So it's just a marketing decision to sell what is likely to be the most popular model at a premium.They may well be able to do what they want but we don't have to put up with this, I will spend my money elsewhere. Thanks for everyone's input.

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Have a look at Orion, Altair-Astro, and other non-Skywatcher / Celestron makes.

Personally I would not spend my money on a goto system unless I was imaging, and in that case it would be a big EQ mount not Alt-Az.

Consider a triplet refractor for superb sharp images of the planets, it should sit fine on the same mount as the 150P reflector.  The same eyepieces should be good in both if you go for the fast models (f7 / f5).

If you're dead set on an SCT then I would recommend just getting a C8 OTA on an HEQ5 Pro, which can be purchased as SynTrek to begin with and optionally upgraded later to goto with the simple purchase of the goto hand set. 

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Thanks for the advice which I think would be spot on for your average person but I have a disability which stops me from bending much so polar alignment has been a total nightmare as has been adjusting the eyepiece position for comfortable viewing. I expect a goto SCT will be more comfortable and I will use a laser to assist in the initial alignment. I'm thinking about getting the 6" because I can always trade up if they decide to sell a compatable and reasonably priced c8 OTA in the future.

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Thanks for the advice which I think would be spot on for your average person but I have a disability which stops me from bending much so polar alignment has been a total nightmare as has been adjusting the eyepiece position for comfortable viewing. I expect a goto SCT will be more comfortable and I will use a laser to assist in the initial alignment. I'm thinking about getting the 6" because I can always trade up if they decide to sell a compatable and reasonably priced c8 OTA in the future.

I think you might be waiting quite a while for a reasonably priced new one or a price within your acceptable range. The 8 is very popular but it may be possible to find a second hand one somewhere but from what I have seen they hold their prices quite well. It is difficult, perhaps impossible to argue with market forces! Personally I would save the pennies and go for the 8 because with the 6 you will forever wonder what the object your looking at would be like with 77% more mirror as mentioned above. If you find the right scope it lasts a lifetime and in all honesty an 8 is as easy to handle, transport and set up as a 6. Upgrading from a 6 might cost you more in the long run and leave you with losses if you sell the 6. I don't like the prices any more than you do but they are what they are and you only live once ( I think )

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