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Nikon Coolpix 995?

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Hi everyone,

Hope this is the right place for this question.

Have sort of being doing some web searching/surfing for future astro/dso imaging.

Would abviously be on a budget and novice would be an understatement :lol:

I've seen a few websites were imagers have used a Nikon Coolpix 995. There are a few of these on ebay going rather cheep. A friend of mine in work who's a bit of a camera expert and who has one, rates them very highly. Hi praise in deed.

I've read a lot about Toucam's etc but this all seems confusing and a bit techincal for me [modifications wise] at the moment.

Any advise, opinions, pointing in the right direction, would be much appreciated.

Thanks all.

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The 995 is particularly good at seeing thru eyepieces and has a convenient swivel screen. However, with a slow speed of only 8 secs (though this can be extended to 60 secs using the 'B' and remote control) it is limited in what it can do on a telescope. The moon would be ideal.

Hope that helps,

Steve :lol:

PS: For more on the 995


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Hi Jaffa,

I used to own the CP995 infact it was my first Digicam for Astrophotography it's a very nice camera for Daytime shooting to this day but for Astrophotography you will be limited as Steve has said, you can get some amazing shots of the moon with it esp if using a dedicated eyepiece from william optics or scopetronix which screws into the camera's interal thread of the Len's Planets are acceptable too with the camera although not up too Toucam Webcam standed.


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Jaffa, don't dismiss a toucam. Much much easier than using a compact digital and will produce better results. The main problem with the toucam is that you need a laptop. If you have a laptop definitely go for a toucam. Later on you can have a cheap mod to allow it to do deep sky.


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Thanks MartinB, am not dismissing a toucam :lol: It's just the modification of one for deep sky stuff, requireing long exposes etc that's the problem. Would be confident trying the alterations required. Just thought I'd start with something I could understand first [camera]. :(

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