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Any1 in yorkshire got an 8" edge hd ??

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Can only just make out 2x fuzzy bands on jupiter.

Scopes well cooled.

Not collimated but its new outta the box and looks ok with the focus/star trick.

Using a 7mm celestron x-cel lx and baader zoom 8-24mm.

Just wanted to pop round and compare views n thoughts..

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7mm is a lot of mag, I think that's asking a lot unless seeing and transparency are both very good ... I get pretty mushy views with my scope on any EP below 12 mm unless everything is perfect . What's yours like at about 18 mm , that seems to be clear for me

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Skipped through the baader zoom and 12-18 look better but still cant see much.

So much for it being a lunar/planetaty scope.

was expecting a little more detail that this.

Had about 10 viewings with it now, most with seeing of 3/5.

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You need to spend time on Jupiter to see the more subtle details. Your eye sort of "trains" itself as you view and after a while you start to pick up the fainter belts and other features. Usually I spend at least an hour and often a lot more studying the planet.

If the seeing is not so good (and we have had quite a lot of evenings like that recently) then it's more challenging. I've had nights when I could barely see more than the 2 main bands with my 12" scope.

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I just put an order for an AVX with 8 EdgHD (my first ever telescope), and can not wait for it  :angel8:. And I wanted to ask what type and spec of eyepieces are you guys using, which is the most essential and what of them I should keep away from, of course from your point of view.


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Personally I use excel lx's , mainly the 18mm and 12mm but as the scope is f10 its pretty easy on eyepieces . Also as its a tracking mount there's probably no real need for the wide field so maybe get yourself a used Televue plossl on abs , they crop up occasionally

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