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Deep Sky Wonders by Sue French


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I just ran across this book in the library and all I can say is Wow...I havent been this excited about an astronomy book since I got my first Royal Astro Society handbook when I was in high school 50 years ago..It has motivated me to blow dust off the telescopes and collimate them and drag them out to the patio (will need to call chiropractor in the morning). Between the sky maps, the text and photos not taken by hubble or keck, this is a really good handbook. A must have on my bookshelf next to the aging burnhams and web society books..

Dark Skies Guys,

Brian K9WIS

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She writes beautifully and is a real enthusiast.  Back in around 1998 I used to post on a niche forum called the Internet Amateur Astronomers Catalog.  Sue and her husband Alan were prolific posters and were so encouraging to others.  I'd also recently heard of her book (which I think is a collation of her previous S&T columns) and am waiting for my order to arrive!


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I was fortunate to have been bought a copy of that book last year, well worth getting.

I used Sue's book last night to find two double stars not listed in my Cambridge double star atlas - Struve 1386 & 1387.

Page 88 of her book -

Struve 1386, mags 9.3 & 9.3, separation 2.1 arc secs.

Struve 1387, mags 10.7 & 10.7 separation 8.9 arc secs.

A remarkable equal mag pair of double stars, right next to M81, so a cinch to find.

I also have her earlier book, Celestial Sampler.   Sue's a star :smiley:

Regards, Ed.

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