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Views from the Sea.


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Me and a friend whom had recently purchased a new scope ventured to a darker spot in Goring.

Started the night with a look at Venus. Was looking almost red naked eye and in the scope could make out a green yellow blob which occasionally went into a flame red, I imagine this was due to the poor seeing but once the atmosphere steadied looked partially crescent shaped.

Next up was the big boy Jupiter, looking magnificent as always but was unable to spot the transiting Moon. Could make out the banding nicely and as always when I look at Jupiter no GRS (typical).

Then I wanted to tick off the Beehive cluster of my Messier checklist and found it quite comfortably to the west of Jupiter. Looked really like a circular ball of stars so nothing too fancy but always rewarding ticking things off.

The international space station was due from SWS and was bang on the predicted time moving steadily across to the East as a similar brightness of a planet.

Clouds then came rolling in so we packed up but we both agreed for an hours scoping was not a bad session.

Clear Skies.

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