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thanks everyone had it on a mount problem is i carn't adjust nothing on the camera but for some reason when the flash went off the image looked better.really want a dlsr but awaiting funds and practice.would i be better practicing with a webcam.


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If you can get a webcam you'll end up with some great shots! most of the planetary images are done with webcams, ranging from basic computer webcams through to more expensive specifically designed versions. The webcam takes avi files which end up containing hundreds of pictures of the planet, these are stacked and the final result is usually quite amazing.


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Sam is spot on. Get yourself a webcam (and a Barlow Lens to increase the size of the image). An IR Blocking filter also helps.

All extra cash but you will notice the difference.

Standard digital cameras can take good shots of the Moon, but anything else is not that easy. You also need to take shots without the flash anyway. Does your digital camera have a manual mode/bulb setting?


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Well, that was a giant leap for a poster to make Geoff. :(

Your first image is excellent for a first attempt Mazza. Theres no mistaking what the image is.

All you need is practice, and if you heed the advice about a webcam, you have the tools for some great lunar and planetary stuff.

Ron. :D

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thanks for the advice will defo look into getting a webcam,yes i can turn the flash off just forgot on the first shot,also i took about 30 shots but when i tried to stack them in registax it would'nt work,does the image have to be in the same place on each photo for it to work as mine are all over the place(carn't get the hang of the nexstar allignment bit yet,skyalign keeps failing don't know why and yes i know the date format so i use solar system align)al keep trying though.

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Mazza, Looking good. On the nexstar alignment, make sure the mount is really level, and if you're using internal batteries, get yourself some external power, the AA batteries just don't cut it. I still have AA's in mine, but only for adjusting the mount position for storage. For the alignment, finish the centering with a highpower, narrow FOV ep, and slightly defocussed, it's much easier to make sure the star is in the middle this way. After a proper level and align this way on a power tank, my nexstar mount, held M44 in the centre of the FOV for over an hour.

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