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Mizar and M13 with a PS3 Eye

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Even though the they're terrible I'd though I'd post these and get some feedback:





Mizar has 10 x 2 second subs and 10 darks

M13 has 10 x 10 second subs and 15 darks

I'm guessing that the answer is a lot more light frames. I was hoping that the dark frames would have more of an effect getting rid of the terrible noise on the M13 shot, but then I am a complete noob at this.

I'm curious as I've seen some recent pictures of M42 done with 10 second exposures with the PS3 Eye and nowhere near that amount of noise was present, I have been told that some PS3 eye's exhibit much higher noise than others, so I may have to try another one.

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These are my 1st DSO shots by the way. I'm including this single frame of Mizar because I prefer it to the stacked version.


EDIT: Ok this is weird. On one computer the Image in this post is different from the Mizar in the first post. On another the two images are exactly the same. Please let me know if the two images look the same to you or not.

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Excellent nice split there, what scope were you using (I'm on my mobile so can't see sigs sorry) as I tried capturing a couple of clusters but my scope was too slow and too narrow fov to pick them up when supposedly aligned with the rdf (haven't tried since getting my raci though) so gave up. For less than 2 mins on m13 that is good, you can certainly make out the cluster and it's shape. How much processing and how much gain did you use?

The 2 images appear identical on my phone too.

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Hi Jimbo, the only processing used was in Deepskystacker. I had a play around with the histogram and saturation levels. I'm taking baby steps here and I don't have any experience of photography in general so Photoshop and similar programs are are bit of a mystery to me.

The gain was at minimum for both images and they were taken with a Skywatcher 130p on an EQ5 mount with an RA motor drive.

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