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How much Humidity is too much?

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Today and tomorrow are (Supposedly) cloudless nights where I am. (Although I'm not sure for tonight, the forecast seems insistant it's going to be clear all night but there sure is a lot of cloud right now, and it was updated 30mins ago!)

But, assuming the clouds are not present, I'm worried that the humidity (80% tonight with quoted "Moderate" seeing conditions)  is going to be too high for me to see anything, is this the case?



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I don't worry too much about it, if its clear & you can just get out there and see what the session allows you to do.  

I have had nights where I have been out all night and everything is great, I have had nights when things gradually grind to a halt.  Also I have experienced nights where there are no signs of anything and bang the session is over in the blink of an eye, and everything is soaked.  

There are lots of factors and I personally would not base any expectations on a few variables, its more complicated than that !

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I don't worry too much about it, if its clear & you can just get out there and see what the session allows you to do.  

I have had nights where I have been out all night and everything is great, I have had nights when things gradually grind to a halt.  Also I have experienced nights where there are no signs of anything and bang the session is over in the blink of an eye, and everything is soaked.  

There are lots of factors and I personally would not base any expectations on a few variables, its more complicated than that

Well, it seems I can't go for an observing session tonight... Mist is visible from the street lamps so I'm gonna see how tomorrow fares.

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