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Observation Glasses


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I read a topic somewhere on Baader Solar Eclipse Observing Glasses. They seem to be made out of Baader AstroSolar safety film ND 5.0.

On the post according to instruction on the glasses you must restrict the viewing to 3 minutes!! That in itself would be ok but I was wondering as most make their own polar filters for telescopes & binos out of the same material are you also restricted to observing the sun for 3 minutes??


If what I read is correct I can only presume one thing. A lot of people who have never looked through telescopes or binos  will be using these especially young children. Baader could be earring on caution and safety. Most who observe the sun with telescope & binos have been grilled quite rightly so on the dangers of looking at the sun either with a naked eye of a piece of apparatus.

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This question should be asked directly to Baader Planetarium in Germany. It begs an answer. I don't know about anyone else, but I will certainly fire off this question to them. I would counsel that others join in. 

Here's their contact page:


Clear Skies & Write On,


P.S. Abschicken is Send in German

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I have a reply here from Baader:

Re: Anfrage von Kontaktformular baader-planetarium.de
Attachments4:10 PM (7 hours ago)

Dear Sir,
please check the information about the different Baader Solar Films at www.astrosolar.com
Best regards,
Service Team
BAADER PLANETARIUM GMBH * Zur Sternwarte * D-82291 Mammendorf
Tel.: +49(0)8145-8089-0 * Fax: +49(0)8145-8089-105 * kontakt@baader-planetarium.de
www.sbig.de * www.celestron-deutschland.de * www.baader-planetarium.de


And that's their full reply, aside from an ad for a product which I omitted.

Clear & Sunny Skies,


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