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First attempt on the southern cross, a bit blurred!

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It's my first time shooting the southern skies, so obviously I went straight for the iconic crux ;)

I'm using a Nikkon D5100 with an 18-55mm lens.


25 second exposure

ISO 800


I was taking single exposures, in raw + jpeg. I took around 30 photos tonight, varying the ISO/exposure to experiment, however all photos have turned out blurred. What can I do to stop this?

Lots of light pollution from the moon, but I was using tonight as a "practice run" :)


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Go for 15 seconds and use ISO1600.

You can still see the Coal Sack though and the Jewel Box. The Southern Cross has a lot of things going on around and in t. It was a favourite of mine when I lived in WA.

Also do not set the lens to infinity, it will be out of focus. Try infinity then wind back a smidgen if you do not have live view.

I used to do a daytime focus and then make a small pencil mark at the sweet point.

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