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Not a bad night wednesday

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After some time playing with my Heq5 fine tuning it in the shed, test time last night open the roof put power on no setting up at all,  how well is this going to be with out any aligning it working on the points I set in EQMOD only.

Set APT to take one sub only for each think I am pushing my luck here owell give it ago .

Next send the mount to (orion , bee hide, chrismas tree, castor, pin wheel ) every sub come up spot on I was well happy with that,  but forgot to plug the laptop in and it shut down so I call it a good night , So a good setup can save lots of time.

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sounds a good night! nothing like getting to know your mount :)

lets see the subs then :D

I use a GPS on the mount and one to set eqmod think its why it working so well, As for the Subs the chinese new year put paid to them its was like Nov 5th alll over again . but I am next to the UEA must be lots of them over there.

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