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Planetary Imaging question

Philip Benson

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Occasionally when imaging planets (esp Jupiter) I notice that there are some concentric interference like rings near the limb of the planets disk.  It happens regardless of whether I'm using my webcam or my DMK camera.  Most often they spoil what would otherwise be a very reasonable image.

What causes these rings and how would I eliminate them?

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Hi Chris,   using a TMB152/F8 apo with a TMB 1.8x barlow.   I know its not an equipment problem as I have seen these rings manifest themselves during processing previously when I have had other scopes.   I just wondered whether it was perhaps due to seeing conditions or a processing artefact.  

I process using Registax 5.1 and then fine tune using Photoshop.  I will post one of the images on my Flickr site and then post the link here.

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Oh I see, I didn't realise you were talking about processing. Your image is characteristic of overuse of the wavelet function in the processing software. Play around with the post processing. I ditched Registax in favour of AS!2 as it was much more forgiving.

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