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What next after Skywatcher Heritage 100p

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Hello All


I have recently rediscovered my interst in star/plannet gazing after many years.


A couple of months back I bought myself a Skywatcher Heritage 100p.  I have already purchased a 5mm eyepiece so I do not need to used the Barlow x2 that comes with the kit.


Last night a had a small party round at my place for my friend to bring their children so we could all look at Jupiter.  What a night to see the giant in the sky.  The children loved it but no where as much as the adults.  I had the log burner blazing inside so the guys and girls kepting popping in to warm up....all too soon they were back for another look.


The thing is I now really would like to get something better.  Although I am happy with the resolution that I get from my Skywatcher Heritage 100p I do find it frustrating that that there is no fine focus.  Thus when I have to make some fine adjustments to the focus I often have to make the adjustment re-find the object and then determine if I am making the image worse or not.


Money clearly is always as issue with these type of questions.  My head says 400 - 600 pounds.  As you all know with these things for that extra couple of £100 you can always get so much more....but if I keep it closer to the £400.00 mark I would be happy.


We live in the county (South Northamptonshire) so light pollution is not too much of a problem for us.


Any advise would be greatly appreciated.


Loved seeing and showing the bands of Jupiter to the kids and my friends last night.....I even popped to Home Bargains and picked up a wee cheap telescope for my pals wee boys....they loved it....they have to start somewhere ay :-)





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If you think that showing and sharing will be a regular event then you might want to consider a tracking mount.

A dobsonian mount will allow more money for the optics in the bundle, a mount like your 100p is on, but with how this hobby is developing for you is a different mount something to consider if you are going to be sharing views or perhaps you did not mind setting it pointing right.

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Hello Guys


Thanks you for taking the time to get back to me with your advice.


I really like the idea of getting a tracking system.  For me the fun of being able to share what I am seeing with my friends and family is really what excites me.  Seeing my pals wee boys excitement when they saw Jupiter was priceless.  My three year old daughter loves seeing the moon through the telescope.  Who knows where this start in science and observation could take them....just thinking about the questions they will ask is thrilling 


@Charic  I am looking at the reviews of the 200P Skyliner now and I have to say they are impressive....just the size of the thing that concerns me.


@Happy-Cat / Hootsitsabernacle I am looking into the 127 Mak too


Thanks again Gents





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The Mak I read has a narrower field of view but might come bundled on a tracking mount.

Can you get to a local shop or astro club to see different scopes and sizes?

Is it far from storage location to observing site and/or any stairs involved, this might affect your choice. However small the scope you use is the one that will show you stuff.

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A tracking system will provide the ability for all to see the target, and only a slight refocus maybe for each individual ?

As for the size of the 200P fully fitted, it will sit inside 2 feet square floor space and 4 feet 3" tall in old money, or 61cm x 130cm, and yes fully manual tracking, which, with the image inverted, is not always apparent which way to move the scope by a visitor ? Think hard who the scope is for, you or your visitors?

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Hello again guys

@Hootsitsabaracle  thanks for the pictures.  You are not wrong my friend it really does not take up too much room when it is vertical.....I like it :-)   My only fear is I have a three and a one year old....those little lighters get into everything.

@Charic the telescope is for me (and the wife I guess to a lesser extent) so there is no fear of me buying purely for other people.  After all I will be keeping the Heritage 100p.  Good point though.  Cheers

@Happy-Kat you have raised some very interesting points. 

    1. There will be stairs involved

    2.  There is a local club and before I buy for sure I will check them out.  The only issue for me is I work away a great deal so getting their for the Monday meetings is a bit hit and miss.  I am pleased hat you mentioned it as I came across these guys after reading your post.


Gents once again thanks for your input.

I will keep you posted as to which way I go.   I have some food for thought thats for sure.

Cloudy as hell here tonight :-(  Still there is tomorrow night before I have to head off again.

Have a great weekend gents.

All the best


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