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The camera is here, the soldering iron is hot, the adrenalin is pumping...


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Just need the replacement filter from David Hinds which should be on the way, and i'm gonna TRY to do the "astro-mod" conversion myself.

I got a cheap(ish) refurbed camera from ebay, and soldering set, and from maplins an anti-static wrist-strap as I couldn't find my old one from PC building days.

Also from Maplins came a cheap PCB circuit set to practice soldering on delicate circuit boards. Couldn't find a supplier of anti-static bags, but managed to find one in the attic.

To anyone that has done this already, is there anything I should watch for that isnt already mentioned in the tutorials?? Any last minute advice?

I'm quite looking forward to this project, it's about as far removed as possible from what I've been doing at work lately, (smashing frames with a sledgehammer) so it should be nice. Hopefully the conversion will go OK and the camera will be ready for Kelling.

Any questions? :afro:


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Ron's right about the magnifier, couldn't have done my mod without a magnifying visor thingy from Maplins.

Do give yourself plenty of time TJ and make a note of where all the little screws come from! Actually the de-soldering bit is pretty straightforward, it's the filter removal/replacement bit that's a fiddle...

good luck!


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Good Luck mate !! Get yourself a compartmentised container for all the screw etc and a list/flowchart of the job to hand !! Make sure YOU ARE NOT DISTURBED ( wife/kids/phone/pets etc) go to the loo first !! :afro:

Honestly good luck with it.


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