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Saturn with DSLR through the eyepiece


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I thought I would have a go at Saturn with the Celestron tele-extender unit.

My first attempts about 2 months back were dismal, you could barely tell what the shape was.... but this time it was all set up, I'd finished photographing the whole of the moon in close up, and thought I'd give Saturn another bash, without hope.

Here is how the pic looks straight from the camera.


This was iso800 and 1.6secs exposure. 15mm EP through C9.25 and the tele-extender, I have no idea what the true Mag and focal length would be.

Here is one attempt at processing. I was surprised to see how much red/pink there is in the dark band above the ring.

I was also surprised at the detail that is there in a single frame. I have the sneaking feeling that we will one day get a program which can take these carp at first to look at frames, and turn them into somethign magical - automatically!!


Just shows what is possible with a humble DSLR!!



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Hey! No Fair, you found BOTH sides with cassini div!

Are you able to work with RAW files CW? The original is around 8mb I guess, but the planet itself is Huuuuge.

Thanks for that, I took a few more tonight with it, albeit at lower mag. Might try stacking them up.


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