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Tal 100Rs/AZ4 what dovetail to use?


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Ordered a Tal100RS plus an AZ4 to mount it on,and like a mega-Numbty forgot to order a dovetail - Well it was Christmas, Doh! :embarrassed:   What would be the appropriate  size Skywatcher bar to use?, would it need to be tapped or drilled(hopefully NOT!)?  Or is there a better dovetail out there,bearing in mind that I'm on a budget...... Excuse me while I blush with embarrasment!

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Not an an embarrasing question at all, MoA. You won't believe the trouble I've had trying to find a dovetail and screws for my little 76 and it's exactly these little things which make a huge difference. The difference between a safe and relaxed night of observing and that of a tragic accident :BangHead:

Anyway, I have exactly the same set up as you (Tal 100rs & AZ4) and use one of these. AndyH - the all knowing Tal expert - has supplied these very useful photos which should help a little.

Hope you get everything sorted and all in time for sweet Jupiter and the Moon :grin:

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Thanks for the swift reply!  The Teleskop service dovetail at 32cm is just slightly shorter than the 'long' SW bar at 33.5 cms.So will that bar be most applicable from the SW range?  The pics from Andy are very informative!   Reading about your and other trials and tribulations re dovetails helps me feel slightly less idiotic!

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Hi MoA:-)

I have a longer dovetail on my Tal. I prefer longer as I do think it gives you that extra flexibility to slide up and down as Qualia says, depending on the weight of eps ans diagonal etc, and also I do think a longish tube seems more rigid when the mounting rings are spaced further apart.

Have you managed any kind of first light yet? Also, what's your scopes serial number? (Will be on the finder bracket stalk and in the user manual if you had one, at the back..that page should also tell you when your scope was signed off by the quality control guys:-)


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Hi Dave,My TAL has just arrived this afternoon,at long last! It was manufactured in October 2011,and the serial number is 0965. I kind of thought that a long dovetail would provide the most efficient(and safest) means of balancing the TAL on the AZ4,so I've just ordered the long SkyWatcher bar from FLO. I can't wait for firstlight- scope and mount seem to be a great combination! Now I just need to wait for a) the dovetail bar,and b)the forecast storm to blow over!

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