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help deciding on a set up

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I'm looking into getting a 200p newt and I was wandering what tripod to go for. Its going to be used mainly for visual, not bothered about imaging just yet. I have been looking at the eq5 pro synscan but I noticed the weight limit is 9kgs for visual. Can I get away with using this with the 200p or do I need to get the heq5 pro synscan?

As far as power units how much power do I really need for the tripod? I've seen on first light optics that they do a 7ah unit and a 17ah unit now I can make my own easy enough as long as I know how much power I need to run the tripod for what 3 hours at the most? I only ask because I'm not sure how much power these things use.

When it comes to eyepieces and filters I will be using the ones supplied with the scope, I don't see the need to replace things like eyepieces from the word go but are there any additional eyepieces which will be handy to have in the box? Also do I really need coloured filters? Could I use the 200p successfully with a sun filter or is it the wrong scope for the job?

Is there anything I've forgotten about which I need? Now it will take me a little while to save up enough for everything but if fornow I say my budget £1200 max, does this sound reasonable or haven't I thought about this properly? I don't mind going second hand on stuff but I would rather buy the scope new as I know how it would of been treated like from new. I'm not going to purchase anything until I'm happy with the choice of scope (other words hopefully I don't get distracted by a different scope)

Thank you for any help


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Hi Jake

Have you considered a dobsonian mount? You could get that ready to go 200p for £270, if your interest is maintained then look at getting a different mount in the future with a couple of rings you can then mount the 200p on an eq.

The dobs mount is very convenient and does not take any setting up, just throw it outside for half-1 hour while it cools down then your ready.

If you have a permanent setup that you dont need to move or take down I would go for a bigger dob with that sort of budget.

As far as eyepieces are concerned I would use what you get with the scope first but probably an 18 or 16 to sit between the 25 and 10, and maybe a barlow . But I would wait and research and if possible try other peoples ep's before you commit.

Observing chair is very much recommended, an old wooden high chair works for me.

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the eq5 can just about cope with the 200p but it doesn't you any wriggle room if you can afford a heq5 that will be better.

As to sa solar filter if you use the baader solar filter that will be fine  but  the solar wedges will not be suitable.

1200 sounds a more than adequate price range. if you do not intend  doing imaging is there any reason why a dob wouldn't do the job visually they are easier to use than an eq mount. For 1200 you could even get a goto dob if that's the issue


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Thank you for the reply, I have thought about the dobsonian mount but the problem is transport and storage, I have no where really to store the dobs and I can get either the scope into the car or the mount. With a tripod I can fold it down and fit it into a corner and easily get both tripod and scope into the car. The other, not so much problem but query is how does the dobs mount cope with sitting on rough terrain? My garden is at an angle so tripods can be adjusted to suit. Does the dobs mount work OK on ground which isn't flat?

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the eq5 can just about cope with the 200p but it doesn't you any wriggle room if you can afford a heq5 that will be better.

As to sa solar filter if you use the baader solar filter that will be fine  but  the solar wedges will not be suitable.

1200 sounds a more than adequate price range. if you do not intend  doing imaging is there any reason why a dob wouldn't do the job visually they are easier to use than an eq mount. For 1200 you could even get a goto dob if that's the issue


If you dont need goto http://www.firstlightoptics.com/dobsonians/skywatcher-skyliner-300p-flextube-dobsonian.html this is nice for £800 + a light shield http://www.firstlightoptics.com/dew-prevention/astrozap-light-shroud-for-skywatcher-flextube.html £69

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These truss tube dobs collapse to a small foot print ie just the base circumference, should be able to get in the car no problem, havent got to spend time setting up etc.

If you are thinking about a heq5 just because of un level ground, I would dig a nice fat concrete slab in a prime position and just plonk the dob on it.

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I will give you one maybe two nights before you decide you need additional eyepieces. :grin: :grin:

The supplied ones are simply to enable you to see something when you first put it together. To see something well is a different matter

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I will give you one maybe two nights before you decide you need additional eyepieces. :grin: :grin:

The supplied ones are simply to enable you to see something when you first put it together. To see something well is a different matter

Being in the UK, those two nights of clear skies are probably 2 weeks apart :D at best!

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The GOTO isn't needed but would be nice to have, makes it a little easier to find things. 

I will be honest I haven't looked into the flex tubes mainly because the ones I saw at the time were way out of my budget but that was a few months back. Also digging a couple of slabs into the garden shouldn't be that difficult, just means the dog will get upset due to a part of her garden is missing. There is also a £200+ saving with the 8" dobs GOTO compared to the 8" newt and heq5 pro

OK so it looks like I'm going to go the dobs route!! 

I will give you one maybe two nights before you decide you need additional eyepieces. :grin: :grin:

The supplied ones are simply to enable you to see something when you first put it together. To see something well is a different matter

The scope Im using at the moment came with a 9mm and 20mm ep, I only seem to use the 9mm

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Not sure if you can retro fit the goto to dobs, but to be honest I would get the 200p and save your money, there really is no need to spend £1200 on a first scope, add a couple of eyepieces and youll have more than enough scope,  just need the clear skies (which dont come too often when you actually own a telescope)

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