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Skywatcher 127/200


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Hi everyone,

my question is: can I fit a skywatcher 200 onto the GoTo mount of my Skywatcher 127? I am strapped for cash but want a  bit more light gathering capacity, I  have been offered a 200 without a mount at a cheaper price than one with a mount.

many thanks


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Think I read somewhere that the Max payload of the AZ GOTO mount is 4.5 kg. I believe that the 200mm Newtonian weighs around 8-9 Kg.

Really the minimum mount for a 200 newt is an EQ5, they go for around £100-150 for the manual version or around £300 for the GOTO version (rough second hand market pricing).

Regretfully one of the downsides of this hobby is that if you want a bigger scope then the mount must also be considered...such a pain!

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