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Astrotortilla installation problems


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Hi all,

I have been trying for hours to install Astrotortilla. The program itself installs ok, but I had all sorts of problems installing Astrometry for Cygwin. Anyway, I managed to manually download it and install it. This seems to have worked, as the "solve-field" command is now installed, along with other folders.

The problem occurs when I try to plate solve using the file open dialog. I get the message "No solution in 1.2s" at the bottom. Further investigation of the logs gives the following:

2014-12-29 00:31:10,828 - astrotortilla - INFO - Connecting to camera...
2014-12-29 00:31:10,836 - astrotortilla - INFO - Exposing: 5.00 seconds
2014-12-29 00:31:12,984 - astrotortilla - INFO - Reading image from camera
2014-12-29 00:31:12,989 - astrotortilla - INFO - Solving...
2014-12-29 00:31:12,990 - astrotortilla.AstrometryNetSolver - DEBUG - Executing: solve-field -b /etc/astrometry/backend.cfg --sigma 70 --no-plots -N none -H 1.49 -L 2.24 -r --objs 100 -L 1.49 -H 2.24 -u degwidth -D \"`cygpath -a \"c:/users/rw/appdata/local/temp/solverttvham/2\"`\" \"`cygpath -a \"D:/DSS/2014-12-23/M42/test.jpg\"`\"
2014-12-29 00:31:14,236 - astrotortilla.AstrometryNetSolver - DEBUG - Pid 13516 exit code 127
2014-12-29 00:31:14,240 - astrotortilla - INFO - No solution in 1.2s
I have not been able to find any reference to exit code 127. Any ideas? Also, is there any way of testing if the Astrometry part of Cygwin is working. I have tried manually going to the terminal and entering:
$ solve-field -b /etc/astrometry/backend.cfg --sigma 70 --no-plots -N none -H 1.49 -L 2.24 -r -u degwidth -D \"`cygpath -a \"c:/users/rw/appdata/local/temp/solverttvham/2\"`\" \"`cygpath -a \"D:/DSS/2014-12-23/M42/test.jpg\"`\"
This gives absolutely no result - although no error either.
Any help would be much appreciated, as this has me tearing my hair out :(
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Not sure why you had problems installing... When I use the file open dialogue to solve a previously captured image, I connect to a eq5/6 mount simulator with Stellarium Scope open and connected to the simulator and Stellarium open. Then Tools -> go to image. Once AT solves it moves the Stellarium Scope scope reticle to the target in Stellarium.  It's very useful if I'm not sure what the target was!

Here are my AT settings (for ST80 + Canon 1100d):


Hope that helps


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I tried this, but I still get no response from Cygwin. I read that it can be fussy to get working if Cygwin is not in its default directory. I unistalled everything and reinstalled Cygwin to its default location. Now I can't install the Astrometry part manually :(  I can't use the Astrotortilla install as it causes a bluescreen every time. This could be due to it not using a 64 bit installer.

If anyone could tell me how to install manually, I would be grateful.

Astrotortilla seems like a great program, but getting it working seems like finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow at the moment.



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Yes, I followed that. It was helpful in getting at set up but couldn't help me with my installation problems. Ask the resources day that it can not give a bsod, but it could interact with other apps that do things in an odd way. The kids a list of dodgy apps, and I have removed any that I had. The problem still remains however.

It is a Windows 7 64 bit machine

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Yes, I followed that. It was helpful in getting at set up but couldn't help me with my installation problems. Ask the resources day that it can not give a bsod, but it could interact with other apps that do things in an odd way. The kids a list of dodgy apps, and I have removed any that I had. The problem still remains however.

It is a Windows 7 64 bit machine


So I take it you tried to install the latest 64 bit version of AT (v0.7)? http://sourceforge.net/projects/astrotortilla/files/AstroTortilla-0.7/

You could try posting your problem in their forum: http://sourceforge.net/p/astrotortilla/discussion/

I'm afraid I can't think of any obvious reason why the install wouldn't be fairly straightforward. 


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I finally got the problem solved. I sent through my Asus laptop and deleted anything by Asus. Bingo! The standard installer then worked :) All I have to do now is to get it to work. I think I have to tweak the indices.



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I finally got the problem solved. I sent through my Asus laptop and deleted anything by Asus. Bingo! The standard installer then worked :) All I have to do now is to get it to work. I think I have to tweak the indices.



Good news! I knew it wasn't Astrotortilla itself as many people install it quite happily :) Getting it up and running can be a bit more demanding but it's wonderful when it's all working!


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