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APO or Cheapo ??

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I do not image, just observe so far, still finding my way about largely.

I now want a wide field, short focus refractor, preferably about 90/100mm to keep the weight down. I do like the good contrast through a refractor.

Will I see massive benefit buying an APO for just observing, or do you guys think that is a bit extravagant?

Would you be happy with a cheaper scope like the Skytravel 102mm/500mm ?

Basically, does an APO give significant benefits for just visually observing, considering the much higher cost??

Anyone have any recommendations. Any comments gratefully accepted.

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I've been using a widefield 80mm achromat. For visual widefield stuff, I've found it absolutely fine, it was pretty good on the moon (there was a little colour fringing, but then I didn't max out the magnification so it wasn't intrusive), not really long enough focal length for decent views of the planets. Very nice views of the Pleiades, but not really enough aperture to do much in the way of DSOs from my light polluted site.

If you're only ever intending to use it visually I reckon it'd be fine (over an APO). If you think that imaging is on the cards then the extra outlay now for a decent mount & APO scope might be worth it (although you're going to be talking at least 3x the price).

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I have sung the praises of the Star Travel 102 before on the Forum but just to repeat, for an inexpensive scope of reasonable aperture,it is hard to beat. For visual observing and basic imaging I don't think you would go far wrong with one of these. A complete setup,either on an AZ3 or EQ1 mount will cost you less than £200.

The focus er is not of the best for imaging but it does come with direct DSLR thread which is handy as if you already have a DSLR camera all you need is the appropriate 'T' ring and your ready to go.

This is mine fitted with a Crayford focuser and a RA motor on the mount. I searched the archives and found an unprocessed image (well,almost,brightness reduced in levels and curves) to show what a DSLR camera at prime focus can do. Unfortunately the full frame image was not retained (takes up to much room on the limited memory of my old computer) and this is a cropped and enlarged section. With some work in Photoshop could be a nice picture.



(click as usual)

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An Achro for visual is just fine.. I use a 90mm Celestron Sky Scout f7. I sometimes prefer it over my C8!!. The image is sharp with very little CA. TBH any Achro under 100mm should not give you an issue.. also I like the Achro as you do achieve colour on some targets

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Just to echo what the others have said. The achro will be fine for low to medium power visual or even some widefield imaging. If you want to push it a bit visually on the planets, then the Apo comes into its own. Especially the 100mm. That said, my ED80 gave Rob's Skymax 127 a run for it's money on Jupiter. Easily taking 200x with no false colour.


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Just to echo what the others have said. The achro will be fine for low to medium power visual or even some widefield imaging. If you want to push it a bit visually on the planets, then the Apo comes into its own. Especially the 100mm. That said, my ED80 gave Rob's Skymax 127 a run for it's money on Jupiter. Easily taking 200x with no false colour.


Oh yes...it did too. Good planet scope

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I used to have an ST80 and currently have a ZS66SD.

I found the difference between to two quite significant as did my brother.

Whilst I have a dslr I primarily use the zs for visual use, I find the crayford fitted offers really smooth/positive focusing and the view is a crisper than that with the st80, I also found CA a problem personaly as well as contrast,both of which are markedly improved upon using the ZS.

Its horses for courses really, but you may well find that later on you want to upgrade to an APO.

I would have a look through both if you can and then make your decision.

Suffice to say I have a C5 sct that see's little use since the ZS arrived.

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