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Computer link & alignment functions

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I am about to take the plunge and set-up my AZ-EQ6 mount for computer control, with a view to subsequently using APT and PHD etc.  On reading the blurb initially I was going to link the mount and computer via the SynScan handset, so my question was:

·        What is a reliable RS232 USB-Serial adapter that will work with USB3.0?

However, I am now also thinking about the HitecAstro EQDIR adapter.

·        Is this a better choice?

·        Will it be OK with USB 3.0?

Finally, with either set-up I am concerned that I will still be able to use some of the SynScan functions, or something like them, for star and polar alignment. As I don’t have sight of Polaris and other sightlines are also poor, the star alignment and, in particular, the SynScan Polar Alignment routine are essential – would it still be possible to do something like this using either of the above configurations + how? 

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In order to use PHD you will need ASCOM installing. At that point you've done the hard work and might as well go the next step to EQMOD. It's not that difficult to learn and is a superb piece of software that will transform the mount. Much, much easier to use than the handset, especially as you can use a planetarium program to issue the GOTOs from.

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OK + thanks for the encouragement.  Would still like to know:

1. HitecAstro or Sysnscan handset + USB (3.0) / RS232 adapter (which one)

2. With EQMOD, CdC etc will I still be able to carry out star alignment and polar alignment without seeing Polaris (see OP)?  If so wheres the information on these procedures? 

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Using the handset can introduce, I believe, some delays, which *may* affect guiding. I have only ever used the handset for initial setup with my EQ8. Once it's aligned, the handset goes in the drawer.

I can't advise on the USB-to-serial, sorry.

Yes, star alignment is very simple with CdC and EQMOD. Manually slew to a star, centre it in the eyepiece/DSLR screen, right-click on the star in CdC and select "Synch". That's it. You can have as many alignment points as you like.

Polar Alignment? Yes, there are software programs that allow you to PA. Alignmaster is one, but there are others. There's nothing to stop you polar aligning with the handset and then swapping over to EQMOD as well.

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I use a  HitecAstro unit, one of the older ones. This connects to USB 2.0. Since connecting to laptop I've not used the handset. It's a whole lot easier.

EQMOD can be used for accurate polar alignment as well.

I also use APT and Astrotortilla and PHD. All great tools to get you aligned and finding your target in quick time.

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For polar alignment without seeing Polaris I think you might have to go down the drift alignment method. This will be tricky if your starting point is way off. I've no experience drift aligning but there are numerous threads out there.

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Using the handset can introduce, I believe, some delays, which *may* affect guiding. I have only ever used the handset for initial setup with my EQ8. Once it's aligned, the handset goes in the drawer.

I can't advise on the USB-to-serial, sorry.

Yes, star alignment is very simple with CdC and EQMOD. Manually slew to a star, centre it in the eyepiece/DSLR screen, right-click on the star in CdC and select "Synch". That's it. You can have as many alignment points as you like.

Polar Alignment? Yes, there are software programs that allow you to PA. Alignmaster is one, but there are others. There's nothing to stop you polar aligning with the handset and then swapping over to EQMOD as well.

That's just what I wanted to hear - so I could use SynScan still for basic alignment. When you say swap over to EQMOD what exactly would be the process e.g. would you hook up the computer after the SynScan handset process and it just takes over, or is it more sophisticated?         

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That's just what I wanted to hear - so I could use SynScan still for basic alignment. When you say swap over to EQMOD what exactly would be the process e.g. would you hook up the computer after the SynScan handset process and it just takes over, or is it more sophisticated?         

The way I would do it is polar align with the handset. Switch the mount off. Disconnect the handset and connect the EQDIR lead into the handset socket. Switch the mount back on and start EQASCOM/EQMOD. 10 seconds work, max.

Polar alignment will be retained when the mount is switched off.

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