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Oh what a night


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I have bought a UHC filter and wanted to try it out but not sure where to try,get back to this. I went out at about 9.30pm,  scope had been set up  for 30 mins so was cooled i wanted to try M81,82 to make sure wasn't a fluke last time and no found them again used my 15mm BST could see the structure of them this time one circular one barred opposite each other in the view. So moved on NGC 7789 lovely tight multicoloured cluster, stock 2 muscle man cluster string of blue white stars after a couple of minutes could see the structure of an X , M34 lovely open cluster, NGC 2419  wasn't that bright easy to find as there are two stars that point straight to it, into Auriga M36,37,38 cannot pass these. Said id get back to my filter well Orion had climb high up now so put the filter in my 15mm and went for M42 what a sight loads of nebulosity i spent ages here swapping eyepieces used my whole range down to my 5mm i was disappointed only saw 4 stars in the Trapezium this time but maybe next time. Nick ( Cotterless45) suggested i look at NGC 2169  off the shoulder of Orion so i did nice open cluster looks like two sets of stars in like a 3 and 7 configuration, then M41 lovely open cluster beneath Sirius, Lastly Jupiter with and without the filter really cranked up the mag on this 2x barlow and the 5 mm the filter brought the bands out really well, I say lastly here because as i was looking at Jupiter I noticed the view getting steadily worse  my mirrors where all dewed up so decided call it a night as id been out for over 4 hours  to say im happy is an understatement. I just need to find where to look now with my filter. Next time im going to look at some doubles Nick as give me.

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Wow !

It was a very very tasty night here as well. Some lovely targets there and very pleased you like the filter.

Try it on the Eskimo nebula in Gemini and it's not too late to get the Eastern Veil using the filter out from Cygnus (NGC 6995). I look forward to a tour next time that we meet !

The dew here was terrible . I had a dew band on from 6 until 1 and had to give it a couple of boosts with my £5 Argos hair drier.

Hoping for more

Clear skies !

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Sounds like you really had a great evening, well done (and lucky you). I have had ten days of annual leave from work and not a single clear night.... Can't believe it, and really disappointed

Its usually down south that has the good skies and i struggle it was a good night for a change, my whole attitude to viewing has changed since going to the Peak star party and talking to Nick (Cotterlesss45) who i cannot thank enough i am now seeing things i never thought to look for and im having more productive nights which makes me want to get out there. Im planning more now so i know where to look and what to look for and keeping a journal.

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Sounds a great evening and a lovely report to boot :smiley: I'm a bit lazy on planning and journal keeping but it certainly makes good sense. I agree the M 42 is one of the true knightly gems of the night sky. For the best part of four clear nights, I've done little else but view the nebula, swopping between the 3" and 10" and slowly building up a widefield sketch. Whatever the aperture and magnification, there is always something lovely to view within M 42. 

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